OpenSCAD 2021.01
Free   20.9 MB

OpenSCAD 2021.01

Free Excellent 3D CAD design software that gives users full control over the modeling process
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2021.01 See all
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Awards (2)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
Free   20.9 MB

OpenSCAD is an excellent 3D CAD design software that gives users full control over the modeling process. It allows you to modify and adjust the shape of a model, change its placement and dimensions, and preview the results. The suite works with constructive solid geometry and offers configurable parameters like object dimensions. It's a great tool for creating complex 3D models and I highly recommend it.

OpenSCAD is intended to create 3D CAD objects. In this regard, it can render 3D models from a script. Needless to say, this is far from complex than working with an interactive modeler, as you cannot interact directly with the on-screen object. However, this has the advantage of allowing more control over the process and using accurate measurement. Luckily, there are multiple sample files, which are arranged according to their areas and you can load to have an idea of how the program works. Besides, there is excellent documentation you can consult online.

The tool has the technical look that characterizes this type of software. It also is neat and quite streamlined. In this respect, there are multiple panels with different purposes. The editor is where code is edited. There is also the area where the object is shown as well as the Customizer panel, which lets you change the rendering mode. Moreover, you can view the log of your operations on the Console panel. more

PC Senior editor
Pedro Castro
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Review summary


  • More control over the process and accurate measurements
  • Multiple sample files and excellent online documentation
  • Support of many formats


  • Not very powerful code editor
  • Does not allow interacting with the on-screen model


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